So I have been working from home for about 4 years now, so I thought with everyone being advised to work from home, why not give a few tips to get used to a different situation. Working from home can be quite mentally challenging although at first it sounds a treat. Work and home are so different. At home you can be yourself, relax, and just do you but combined with doing your job from home things can get a little tricky. With Boris Johnson’s announcement yesterday which said group gatherings be it social or work should not be happening to protect ourselves and others from Corona Virus (the dreaded word that has been coming out of peoples minds and mouth for a couple of months now). I now find myself working from home with my husband, but i quite like it as I always work alone so its nice to have a bit of office banter! I know this may not be the case for everyone and the thought of being home with partners and family is not ideal, the space was amazing, thats why it worked!
Lets get to the tips:
Tip 1 - Make sure you are still waking up early, replace that commute you will no longer be doing for now with a work out, go for a walk! It’s essential to start the day off mentally right, you will feel so good for it.
I usually wake up at 545am and get the 620am HIIT training class which is a short drive from me, not sure that is going to last as that will probably close but I will replace this with an online workout or a run. The waking up so early can sometimes be painful but you get used to it, I tell you one thing I feel so awesome after doing the work out. I always feel so positive and determined and energised to start the day. I have time to shower, fit in some house errands and make breakfast and I am still able to be at my desk for 8/830am.
Don’t be Gollum from Lord of the rings
Tip 2 - Make a space to work from away from distractions, sometimes working from your sofa does not make you feel energised to work as its so cozy, try to situate yourself in a less cluttered area where you are sat up right like you do at work. As tempting as it sounds placing yourself on the sofa may want you to just switch on the TV and watch a bit of Netflix, but you can get carried away so put on some super chill vibe music in the background instead. I usually listen to Kiss Fresh or ‘Chillhop music’ tap the link below for some chill hip hop instrumentals, you can watch the little animated guy typing away with the weather changing in the back ground, youtube gives suggestions for more on the right.
Tip 3 - Working from home means making more mess, you have the dishes from your breakfast that pile up with your lunch and any snacks and drinks. Keep a refillable bottle of water near you at all times, this will limit going back to grab another glass. I usually clean as I go on, hence why I start my day so much earlier as it just annoys me that my home is not tidy. Or you just come to terms with you will have a big dish wash at the end of the day or you just let your other half doit hehe…please do this at your own discretion.
Sponge Bob Square Pants doing the dishes
Tip 4 - Alway ensure you take lunch breaks, have a look at your stepometer - you probably have not walked as much as you do when commuting and walking to the office or running around from meeting to meeting. Its healthy to get out or get away from the desk, make yourself some healthy lunch or go out and grab a coffee. With office life you have ppl around you to talk to about your work or have a little natter about what you saw on tv last night, how your date went, what your partner did to annoy you or what you’re doing later etc, unfortunately with working from home, the only socialising you will get close to the office bants is on whatsapp with your friends. It can get lonely but you have to focus and make sure you are taking the right breaks to break up the day.
Tip 5 - Try not to procrastinate and go on the social medias too much as tempting as it is, your manager may be monitoring if you’re online or how much work you have got done. You are obviously getting paid to do your job from home but be careful of that wandering eye of yours to see what everyone’s up to on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Keep your mind busy with work and give yourself a break at the end of your tasks to have a look if you need it so much.
Social Media is neither social not media. Discuss.
Tip 6 - Stay Healthy, just because you are at home and have access to your fridge full time should not mean you eat bad foods. When our energy levels dip, it can be easy for unhealthy habits to set in (snacking on sugary treats and drinks etc.). It's important to have self-control. Check online and eat healthy, there are so many recipes for protein balls or biscuits, if you can not be bothered with making anything eat fruit and veg, help yourself.
Try to eat healthy.
Tip 7 - Make sure you don’t spend the whole day staring at a screen, its bad for your eyes so give them a break. Keep moving. Take regular movement breaks and stretches using opportunities such as making and taking phone calls to stand up and walk around.
Take a break!
Tip 8 - Keep in contact with work. Book Skype Meetings to prove you’re working, stay in contact with your work colleagues, this helps show your boss you are on it and also it can be boring working alone without your colleagues around you who are working on the same project.
Ain’t nobody got time for that..
Tip 9 - Where family members or housemates are also at home, it's important that they understand you are at work - ask them to support you by respecting your work time. Keep your door closed, and speak to them on breaks.
Get out of my room
Tip 10 - I know this is not a working from home tip but check on your elderly neighbours if you have any, this is a super scary time for you and them and we have to work together. They are probably so scared about the coronavirus and having to self isolate from young people as they could potentially lose their lives. Simply write them a note asking if they ever need any help with shopping to just post you a note back and you will try your best to help them. We all need to work together to combat this, and not be selfish but spreading or catching this virus further. We sent a few notes to our neighbours and we got a reply which was so sweet just saying thank you and if they needed help they would post us a note.
Check on your Elderly Neighbours, be a good human.
Just to finish a little write up by Kitty O’Meara that has been circulating. Take care of yourselves, we can get through this x
"And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently. And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal. And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed." ~Kitty O'Meara